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  • Writer's pictureSimon Wendt

How to emotionally detach before you sell

When you bought your home, you may have fallen in love the first time you saw it. But now your home is really no longer suitable so you know that it's time to sell. But what about all the memories, good times and emotion attaching you to the home?

Selling the property is usually not the hardest thing about the move, instead letting go emotionally can be far more challenging for many people unless you can successfully detach from the house.

My role as an estate agent is to take care of the house and the owners during the sale however I have seen owners become emotional, procrastinate, miss the bigger picture, leave everything to the last minute or over-price their homes. These self-sabotaging actions move them further away from their goal to sell the property.

I have also sold properties for clients who have successfully detached and prepared themselves well and seen the connection that can be established between buyer and property. These owners accepted that living in a home is different to presenting it for sale and made their homes appealing to the prospective buyers thus increasing the salability and value. Preparing emotionally and practically for a sale can result in a better financial outcome and a better destination home so it is well worth getting it right the first time.

Here are a few useful tips when you know that the time has come to make the move.

Take your time

Whilst the estate agents will be calling wanting to get the photos done by this Friday, you will need to work to your own timeframe rather than theirs. Being emotionally ready to pick up your belongings will make you feel calm and in control and more likely to make the right decisions during the preparation stage and the actual sale.

Realise that home really is where the heart is

When you shift out of your home, you will move into another property. But when you sell, you can realise that your home becomes a commodity to be sold and your new house will become your home. The experience of selling does not negate your previous connection with the home nor your experiences while you lived there. You will take with you all your furniture, belongings and memories. It may help to take a few photos as a memento to unpack at your new home.

Get outside help

Bringing in a professional home stager or stylist will allow you to focus on your own move. These people are experts in appealing to the people buying homes. They may recommend having some furniture put into storage and showing off your homes best spaces with new furniture, artwork and accessories creating a linkage between rooms and increasing the overall appeal and perception of value in the mind of the buyer. A good real estate agent can also make suggestions on where improvements can be made that will help your property sell quickly and for a better price than may be currently possible.

Remember the reason for selling

"What will the house sale give me or enable me to do?" The reasons for selling should be reaffirmed regularly. Hold on to these positive feelings as they will outweigh the reasons to not sell otherwise you will remain the proud owner. Your home suited you when you first purchased it and does not necessarily do so any longer.

There are several principles that when followed lead to positive outcomes for people making a move, the first and possibly the most critical is letting go to make way for your next chapter. Once this is done, the other principals such as the objective of the sale, presentation, marketing and a pricing strategy will be easier and will facilitate a better outcome.

For all real estate related information or advice, contact the author Simon Wendt, Licensed Estate Agent at Hockingstuart Mentone on 0407 040 706.

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