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Rowan Mogg and Joyce Mifsud


We wish to express our deepest gratitude for our individual exceptional auction results, and also our admiration for your on-going professionalism over the past months.

The sale of our last two properties, in Aspendale and Mentone, and with your assistance through Hocking Stuart in Mentone, has brought the total number of sales you have done for us to four over the past few years…with exceptional record prices in each instance.

With each sale your knowledge and expertise in the real estate market was paramount, as was your friendly and professional manner in dealing with us and prospective buyers.

As vendors, we appreciated your professionalism, sense of humour and candour. We have been recommending Hocking Stuart to our many friends but in particular, 'Simon Wendt' to those who are contemplating a sale. This we will continue to do with confidence.

Simon, your motto should be "Take my advice and get the best price".  

As our Mentone settlement draws near, we excitedly await our move to Frankston South, in the knowledge that if and when that property is to be sold we will have no hesitation in contacting OUR agent.

Again Simon, many thanks


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